Dr. Ajay Vikram Singh, MDS, MDS
(Periodontist & Implantologist) |
Dr. Ajay Vikram Singhpost graduate (MDS) in Periodontology and implantology is an internationally acclaimed mentor, speaker and researcher in the field of implantology. He has authored text book on implant Title “Clinical Implantology” Published worldwide with “Elsevier” and at present it is the one of the best sellers in implant in India and several other countries. He has spoken as the key note speaker in the various national and international implant conferences in India and abroad. Besides being the active member of various prestigious implant associations, he is the fellow and diplomate of international congress of implantology (ICOI). Dr. Ajay is the founder of International Academy of Implant DentistryTM Agra where he has trained the dentists in implant from more than 20 countries in last 10 years. Dr. Ajay practices at Dr. Ajay Dental Clinic & Research CentreTM, Agra with special focus on implant. He can be reached at drajaydentalclinic@gmail.com
2004 – One year PG Certificate in Implantology from Academy of continuing education in dentistry (Biohorizons Implant inc. USA)
2005 - Scientific presentation on Implant in 1st international conference of Academy of oral implantology, New Delhi
2006- Scientific presentation on nerve repositioning for implant in Asia Pacific conference of ICOI at Mumbai, India
2008- Awarded for the Table clinic presentation on nerve repositioning in ICOI Conference at LAS VEGAS, USA.
2008- Attended short course from Dr. Carl E. Misch on advanced implant techniques at Las Vegas
2008- Received comprehensive implant training on hard and soft tissue augmentation techniques from Dr. Anthony G. Scar at Miami, USA
2008- Received comprehensive training on Implant prosthetics from American college of prosthodontists and Washington University, Seattle, Washington, USA
2008- Presented table clinic on ridge splitting in ICOI symposium at Chicago, USA
2008-Awarded with the Fellowship of ICOI from Dr. Carl E. Misch in ICOI Conference, Chicago, USA
2009- keynote speaker for Implant at the Famdent conference, New Delhi
2009- keynote speaker at 4rth international conference of Academy of oral implantology (AOI), New Delhi
2009- Keynote speaker at 16th international conference of Indian society of oral implantology (ISOI), Chandigarh
2009- Awarded as the Diplomat of International congress of oral Implantologists (ICOI)
2010- Keynote speaker at 6th international congress of Iranian society of oral and maxillofacial surgeons, Tehran (Iran)
2010- Elected as the President of the Indian dental Association, Agra Branch.
2011- keynote speaker for Implant at the Famdent conference, New Delhi
2011- keynote implant speaker at Alexandria international dental conference, Alexandria University, Egypt.
2011- Keynote speaker at implant continuum, Indian dental association, Gurgaon
2011- Keynote speaker at 18th international conference of Indian society of oral implantology (ISOI), Hyderabad
2012- keynote speaker on Implant at the Famdent conference, New Delhi
2013- Keynote speaker at ICOI Conference, Cochin.
2013- Authored Text book on dental Implant Title “CLINICAL IMPLANTOLOGY” (Print copy as well as E-Book) published worldwide by Elsevier which is now the best seller dental implant book in India and in various other countries.
> Published numerous research articles on implants in various national and international journals
> Attended various national and international conferences
> Attended numerous implant continuing education programs at various universities including Washington University (USA), Queensland University School of dentistry, Brisbane (Australia), University of Sydney etc.
> Established Private practice at Agra, India in 2004 with the special focus on the implant practice, where he also treats numerous overseas implant patients every year. Dr. Ajay is highly skilled to perform all the advanced techniques of dental implantology.
> Established “International Academy of implant dentistry TM” at Agra, India in 2005 to provide the continuing education in implantology where he has trained more than 300 Indian and overseas dentists (from Libya, Nigeria, Kenya, Oman, Afghanistan, Iraq, Shri lanka, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Ireland, Australia, USA and many more) with the skills of implantoLOGU